Nordes Gin 750 ml
Nords is Spain’s #1 selling premium gin, but it’s so much more than just popular! This incredible gin, named for the cool northwestern wind that blows off the Atlantic ocean through the Galician countryside, is true of that special place. 6 of the gin’s 11 botanicals are collected by hand from the hills and forests indigenous to the region and as unique as its character. The base spirit is distilled from grapes, primarily Albarino, in which the 11 botanicals are macerated – bay leaf, lemon verbena, sea bean, mint, eucalyptus, sage, cardamom, hibiscus flower, ginger, black tea and of course, juniper. The first six are the Galician natives, the most unique being Salicornia (sea beans). This wonderful maritime plant adds a distinct, although somewhat subtle salinity to the otherwise heady mixture of citrus, spicy, herbal and floral aromas offered by this exceptional product. You must absolutely try it in the ubiquitous “gin tonic,” although in more complex cocktails as well.
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